Overcoming Emotional Eating

Episode #44

If you are like almost everyone in the United States, you may have engaged in some emotional eating over the past year. However, the issue could be more prevalent than just raiding the kitchen while you are bored. Today, health coach, author, and massage therapist Amber Stevens gives us the run-down on how to redefine your relationship with food to bring about a more balanced lifestyle. Plus, we discuss the challenges and rewards of writing a book, working with multiple revenue streams, and diversifying your career to weather any storm.

Contact Amber:

Book: www.youareboundless.com/book Website: www.YouAreBoundless.com Facebook: @Amber.Stevens.You.Are.Boundless Instagram: www.instagram.com/amberstevens.boundless/ Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/amber-stevens-81b6b41a/