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Leverage Your Personal Story and Stand Out During Your Job Search job hunting job interview tips job search advice Jul 24, 2024

Contributed by Dia Kline, Career Coach at Personal Touch Career Services

 Recently, I was invited to speak at the inaugural seminar for the National Smell and Taste Clinic at the NIH in Bethesda, MD. You can watch my speech here.


Despite not being a doctor, scientist, researcher, or...

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How to Answer Inherently Negative Interview Questions interview tips interviewing job interview tips Apr 12, 2024

Nasty, mean, awful, EVIL interview questions! How in the world are you supposed to answer them? What are employers really looking for? Is it to make you suffer, or are they hoping to see how well you handle challenging questions?


While some employers are probably a little bit sadistic,...

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7 More Snarky Answers to Common Interview Questions interview tips interviewing job interview tips Mar 18, 2024

In September 2023, we published our first list of Snarky Answers to Interview Questions Since then, employers have continued to ask foolish questions that scream for your best sarcastic answer.


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Snarky Answers to 6 Common Interview Questions interview tips interviewing job interview tips Sep 18, 2023

Everyone knows some job interview questions just beg for a snarky answer. Wouldn't you love to once, just once, really say what's on your mind? Enjoy these forays into the dark side, followed by suggestions for insightful answers if you actually want to land a job offer.

Q: "What is your greatest...

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How to Behave in A Behavioral Interview interview tips interviewing job interview tips Jun 13, 2023

Often regarded as the toughest interview, the behavioral interview requires a candidate to discuss a past situation in-depth. In other words, any interview that requires you to dredge up a real-world experience is a behavioral interview.


Why They Exist

Behavioral interviews were created to...

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Don’t turn your Great Resignation into the Great Regret best practices job hunting job interview tips job search advice job search tips Mar 30, 2022

You probably have heard of the Great Resignation. But have you heard of the Great Regret?


According to a recent poll done by Harris for USA Today (March 2022), one in five workers who quit during the last two years actually regrets changing jobs. Considering that since June 2021, more than...

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Tips for a Successful Virtual Interview career advice interview tips interviewing job hunting job interview tips job search Mar 16, 2022

The corona virus has changed the way that employers are hiring. Maybe for good.


In the days of social distancing to slow down the spread of COVID-19, many employers have switched to online or virtual interviews, especially for early-round interviews. As such, job seekers need to...

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