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Tips for Writing an ATS-Compliant Resume job search advice job search tips resume writing resumes Jul 15, 2024

At Personal Touch Career Services, we have seen a disturbing trend: Tons of people are being told that their resume’s format is “not ATS-compliant.” Let’s explore what that actually means and how you can make sure that your resume follows these extremely important...

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5 Quick Tips to Spruce Up Your Resume resume resume writing Apr 18, 2024

Does your resume feel like a fossil? Has it been a little while since you gave it a critical once-over? If you aren't certain of the best ways to freshen up your resume, check out our latest tips to make it effective without looking like something from the Jurassic Period.


  1.  The...
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6 Easy Ways to Tweak Your Resume resume writing Feb 07, 2024

In today’s AI-driven world, tweaking your resume for different positions is essential.

HR departments rely upon the keywords within their job postings and descriptions to screen candidates. This is especially true for large companies, technical roles, or in-demand industries. Similarly,...

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Is your career coach a one-night-stand? job hunting job search job search advice resume writing Jun 26, 2023

It’s true: Job searching can be an intimidating process. That is exactly why so many professionals turn to expert career coaches and resume writers to give them a competitive edge.

Along those lines, different services use various methods to help you reach your goals. Some of these are...

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The New Grad Problem: The market just got more competitive job hunting job search job search advice resume writing May 18, 2023

Every May, colleges and universities spew out a fresh crop of graduates. While many new graduates struggle with landing their first job due to a lack of experience, these candidates cause another problem: increased competition.

Whether you are still seeking an entry-level job or have a little...

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7 Ways to Revitalize Your Job Search job hunting job search advice job search tips linkedin networking resume writing Apr 05, 2023

In this season of change and growth, nothing is more important than the annual spring cleaning – especially for your job search.

Spring cleaning involves looking hard at the corners that have gotten dusty from lack of use while sprucing up the tools you use every day.

1.   ...

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Do “stupid keywords” belong on your resume? resume resume writing Mar 14, 2023

In February, LinkedIn released its 2023 list of the “Most In-Demand Skills,” which is a compilation of the top skills that employers request when recruiting, posting, and hiring for jobs on the LinkedIn platform.


Surprisingly enough, soft skills and personality traits top the...

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Crafting a Passion Statement resume writing Feb 14, 2023

Do you love your job?


Smart managers want to hire someone passionate about what they do. So, when all things are equal between candidates - skills, experience, and education - the hiring manager will take the person who is excited to do the job. They have even been known to choose the...

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A Fresh Take on Personal Branding best practices career advice interview tips resume resume writing Jan 30, 2023

Do you prefer podcasts? Check out the in-depth exploration PLUS bonus features on Tattooed Freaks in Business Suits:


Chances are, you probably have heard the term "personal branding"...

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6 Tips to Keep Your Resume Fresh job hunting job search tips resume resume writing Sep 09, 2022

Did you know that September is officially International Update Your Resume Month?

 Yep! If you aren’t sure where to start, check these six tips to ensure your resume isn’t old and moldy.


  1.  The one-page resume myth

Unless you are an entry-level candidate, the one-page...

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Do you need an expert resume writer or an expert in your field? career career advice job hunting job search advice resume resume writing Mar 10, 2022

Does your career fit neatly into one category, or do you suffer from terminal uniqueness? As a career coach, I am often asked if we have experience with certain industries or roles. Fortunately, with over 15 years of experience in this field, I have literally seen and done it all. Nevertheless,...

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