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Tips for Writing an ATS-Compliant Resume job search advice job search tips resume writing resumes Jul 15, 2024

At Personal Touch Career Services, we have seen a disturbing trend: Tons of people are being told that their resume’s format is “not ATS-compliant.” Let’s explore what that actually means and how you can make sure that your resume follows these extremely important...

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7 Harsh Facts About the HR Department job hunting job search job search advice job search tips Jul 02, 2024

How well do you understand the HR department?

The truth is that most HR departments receive a deluge of candidates daily, far more than they could ever hope to read with great depth or understanding. To process the mountain of resumes, every company – big or small – will create simple...

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7 Ways to Improve Your Job Search job hunting job search job search advice job search tips Feb 21, 2024

Contributed by Tessa Barlow

In the dynamic landscape of today's job market, embarking on a job search can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned professional looking for a change, or someone re-entering the workforce, evaluating your job search strategy is...

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7 Tools HR Uses to Cut Candidates job hunting job search advice job search tips Aug 11, 2023

For every posted job, the Human Resources (HR) department is expected to cut 95% of all candidates before a hiring manager sees a single resume. Unfortunately, even qualified applicants will often be cut during the screening process just because they don't understand how the hiring process works....

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Sneaking around: 10 tips for a confidential job search career job search job search advice job search tips Apr 10, 2023

Are you cheating on your significant other?


Do you want to?


No, I’m not talking about a new romantic relationship. I’m talking about cheating on your boss to find a new job!


Conducting a confidential job search can feel like sneaking around. Trying to make time to...

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7 Ways to Revitalize Your Job Search job hunting job search advice job search tips linkedin networking resume writing Apr 05, 2023

In this season of change and growth, nothing is more important than the annual spring cleaning – especially for your job search.

Spring cleaning involves looking hard at the corners that have gotten dusty from lack of use while sprucing up the tools you use every day.

1.   ...

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A strategic approach to career cushioning best practices career career advice job hunting job search job search tips Jan 03, 2023

Have you heard of career cushioning yet? If not, get ready for the next career trend of 2023.

 A carry-over term from the dating world, cushioning is the process of thinking about or actively testing the waters for a new relationship when the current one looks like it might be in danger of...

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Is your job search stuck in quicksand? job hunting job search job search advice job search tips Nov 22, 2022

Chances are, you probably haven’t received much formal training in job searching. If you are lucky, your college may have held some classes or workshops. Similarly, you may have sought advice online only to find many conflicting approaches.


 How is a job seeker supposed to put a...

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6 Tips to Keep Your Resume Fresh job hunting job search tips resume resume writing Sep 09, 2022

Did you know that September is officially International Update Your Resume Month?

 Yep! If you aren’t sure where to start, check these six tips to ensure your resume isn’t old and moldy.


  1.  The one-page resume myth

Unless you are an entry-level candidate, the one-page...

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"Treat your job search like a job" - What does that REALLY mean? best practices business practices job hunting job search advice job search tips networking Jun 13, 2022

I am sure you heard that phrase before – but what does it actually mean?

 If you are like most people, you might assume that it means time – you need to devote up to 40 hours a week to looking for a new job. After all, you need to treat it like a job!



Treating your...

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7 Networking Tips for Introverts job search advice job search tips networking Apr 13, 2022

You have probably heard the statistics – many sources such as LinkedIn, Forbes, and the Harvard Business Review claim that 60 – 80% of jobs are found or secured through some form of networking. For people who are shy or naturally more introverted, this sounds like the kiss of death....

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Don’t turn your Great Resignation into the Great Regret best practices job hunting job interview tips job search advice job search tips Mar 30, 2022

You probably have heard of the Great Resignation. But have you heard of the Great Regret?


According to a recent poll done by Harris for USA Today (March 2022), one in five workers who quit during the last two years actually regrets changing jobs. Considering that since June 2021, more than...

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