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Resume Mythbusting: Using white text for keywords in your resume Apr 29, 2023

Are you frustrated with being screened out by the HR computers? Yes, many people are. They know that the dreaded applicant tracking system (ATS) is searching for specific keywords to determine if a human being will actually see your resume, not to mention if you will get an interview.



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Using Klarna financing in our store Apr 17, 2023

Klarna is a third-party vendor who offers financing options on our website. Here’s how to access it and discover your payment options through that platform.

1.   Please note the possible payments when viewing our products

This is not a firm offer, but just a general estimate.


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Sneaking around: 10 tips for a confidential job search career job search job search advice job search tips Apr 10, 2023

Are you cheating on your significant other?


Do you want to?


No, I’m not talking about a new romantic relationship. I’m talking about cheating on your boss to find a new job!


Conducting a confidential job search can feel like sneaking around. Trying to make time to...

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7 Ways to Revitalize Your Job Search job hunting job search advice job search tips linkedin networking resume writing Apr 05, 2023

In this season of change and growth, nothing is more important than the annual spring cleaning – especially for your job search.

Spring cleaning involves looking hard at the corners that have gotten dusty from lack of use while sprucing up the tools you use every day.

1.   ...

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How you should be using LinkedIn job search advice linked networking reputation Mar 21, 2023


Are you making the most of LinkedIn? Far too often, people ignore the site's best features, treating it only like a glorified job board. In fact, using LinkedIn the right way can enhance your whole career.

Here's how I like to break down how to use your time on the platform.


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Morgan Stanley releases a game-changing salary survey for private service Mar 20, 2023

At long last, private service has a reliable salary survey.


In early 2023, Morgan Stanley’s Private Wealth Management division released the “Estate and Household Staff Compensation Report.”

Download your copy here


Prepared by Botoff Consulting, the survey included...

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Do “stupid keywords” belong on your resume? resume resume writing Mar 14, 2023

In February, LinkedIn released its 2023 list of the “Most In-Demand Skills,” which is a compilation of the top skills that employers request when recruiting, posting, and hiring for jobs on the LinkedIn platform.


Surprisingly enough, soft skills and personality traits top the...

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The problems with rage applying Feb 20, 2023

While some people encourage you to "rage apply," it probably isn't a good idea.


What is rage applying?

Simply put, rage applying consists of sending out a flurry of applications because you are sick of your job. Maybe the company passed you over for a promotion – again. Or perhaps...

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Crafting a Passion Statement resume writing Feb 14, 2023

Do you love your job?


Smart managers want to hire someone passionate about what they do. So, when all things are equal between candidates - skills, experience, and education - the hiring manager will take the person who is excited to do the job. They have even been known to choose the...

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A Fresh Take on Personal Branding best practices career advice interview tips resume resume writing Jan 30, 2023

Do you prefer podcasts? Check out the in-depth exploration PLUS bonus features on Tattooed Freaks in Business Suits:


Chances are, you probably have heard the term "personal branding"...

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So, you didn't win the lottery. Now what? career career advice Jan 16, 2023

Want an in-depth discussion of this topic? Check out my latest podcast episode of “Tattooed Freaks in Business Suits:”


I admit it. Over the few days leading up to the...

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A strategic approach to career cushioning best practices career career advice job hunting job search job search tips Jan 03, 2023

Have you heard of career cushioning yet? If not, get ready for the next career trend of 2023.

 A carry-over term from the dating world, cushioning is the process of thinking about or actively testing the waters for a new relationship when the current one looks like it might be in danger of...

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